ኢኤስኤስ የፓንዳ ክለቦች ውድቀት 2022
ትምህርቶች በጥቅምት 10 ሳምንት ይጀምራሉ
የፓንዳ ክለብ ምንድን ነው? ፓንዳ ክለብ ለ ESS ተማሪዎች ከትምህርት በኋላ የማበልጸጊያ ፕሮግራም ነው። ፕሮግራሙ የሚቀርበው በትምህርት ዓመቱ በሙሉ ሲሆን የሚተዳደረውም በትምህርት ቤቱ PTA ነው። በዚህ አመት የፓንዳ ክለብ ምዝገባ ሂደታችንን ወደ ሎተሪ ስርዓት ቀይረነዋል።
ለተጨማሪ መረጃ እባክዎ የፓንዳ ክለብ ኮሚቴን በ pandaclubs@esspta.org ያግኙ።
እባክዎ ለፓንዳ ክለብ መዋጮ ለማድረግ ያስቡበት። ልገሳ በመስመር ላይ ወይም በጥሬ ገንዘብ፣ በቼክ ወይም በገንዘብ ማዘዣ ለESS PTA የሚከፈል ይሆናል። ማንኛውም መጠን በጣም አድናቆት ነው! ለፓንዳ ክለቦች የሚደረጉ ልገሳዎች ሁሉ የተማሪ ስኮላርሺፕ ድጋፍን ይረዳሉ።
ውድቀት 2022 ክለቦች
Mixed Media Art (Create Arts Center). This club takes you on a deep dive into the world of art. This season it’s all about mixed media! Learn how to work with combinations of materials and techniques – watercolor, pastels, fabric, paper, cardboard, and more – to CREATE a variety of 2D and 3D projects.
REGISTER HERE: bit.ly/3iHwOjv
Kaizen Karate ($144). This club is an introduction to the sport. Children will learn the beautiful art of karate while gaining safety and defensive skills in a respectful environment. The class will emphasize the basic karate principles of focus, patience, and self- discipline. First time students will start the belt program, and returning students can work toward new belts.
Roundhouse Theater: Superheroes! ($90). Students will activate their imaginations using drama, movement, and design to explore stories about all kinds of superheroes – from those who wear capes, to those around the neighborhood. Creative and fun activities promote confidence, self-esteem, and creative expression while working on active listening, teamwork, and sharing.
Science ($115). Incredible Forces. What does friction have to do with a rolling YoYo? How do wheels and axles work together? How does the size of a wheel change the distance it covers? What can you move with a pulley? Make a circuit bug out of a clothespin and learn how a Bristle Bot moves?
Introductory Spanish ($115). This story-based program provides a fun introduction to a new language where children learn and practice speaking Spanish with puppets, songs, games, storytelling and hands-on activities in a language immersion setting. This session will focus on the story El ratoncito del campo y el ratoncito de la ciudad or The City Mouse and the Country Mouse!
Mixed Media Art (Create Arts Center). This club takes you on a deep dive into the world of art. This season it’s all about mixed media! Learn how to work with combinations of materials and techniques – watercolor, pastels, fabric, paper, cardboard, and more – to CREATE a variety of 2D and 3D projects.
Roundhouse Theater: Make Me Laugh – The Art of Improv! ($90). Round House Theatre brings the fun and games of theater to your school! Students will learn to think quickly, make big choices, and create collaboratively, while exploring the humor of everyday life through improvisational games and exercises. REGISTER HERE: bit.ly/3uy3Sgy
5 Out Basketball Academy Introductory Clinic ($80). Focused on fun! We teach all young athletes fundamental basketball rules and concepts. With guidance from qualified coaches, participants will develop dribbling, shooting, and passing skills, learn basic offensive and defensive concepts, and build strength and refine motor skills.
Science ($115). Gadgets and Gizmos. Be an inventor! Make your own electric PlayDoh. Build a battery out of pennies and lemon juice, and make a microphone out of a matchbox and paint. Try your hand at copper plating and a device that looks as if it’s defying gravity. Explore Bristle Bots and Color Bots.
African Culture Club (Free, led by PTA President Netsanet). African culture club participants will learn about the continent of Africa, including the landscape, culture, music, and the African diaspora. Students will also learn beginner Amharic, including greetings, body part names, common words, and the Amharic alphabet.
AMHARIC: bit.ly/3Hdts1C SPANISH: bit.ly/3iGyqK1
Student Cancellations/Refunds: All refunds will be made via the vendor. There will be no refunds offered after the first week of programs.
Frequent (two times) late pick-ups will result in dismissal from the program without a refund. Vendors may charge a fee for late pickup.
Student Behavior: In order to keep our club fun and safe for everyone, all students are expected to follow ESS school rules while attending PANDA CLUB after school enrichment classes. Parents will be contacted each time there is a behavioral problem that cannot be remedied in the class. East Silver Spring PTA reserves the right to remove your student from a program.
Provider Cancellations: While the vendors will make every effort to reschedule classes canceled due to unexpected MCPS or ESS closings, we cannot guarantee that every class can be made up. The vendors cannot offer make-up classes or refunds due to a student’s inability to attend class.